I consent to undergo a biomechanical assessment by a podiatrist. I understand
that this assessment will involve the evaluation of my gait, posture,
alignment, range of motion, muscle strength, and other biomechanical factors
relevant to my foot and lower limb health.
Purpose of the Assessment
The assessment is intended to evaluate the function and alignment of my feet
and lower limbs to identify any abnormalities or conditions that may be
contributing to my symptoms or affecting my overall health.
The assessment may include visual observation, physical examination, gait
analysis, range of motion testing, muscle strength testing, and specialized
tests relevant to my condition. It may also involve the use of diagnostic
tools and equipment.
Risks and Benefits
- The information gathered will help in diagnosing any biomechanical
issues and developing a tailored treatment plan to address those issues,
which may include recommendations for orthotics, exercises, or other
- The risks are minimal but may include discomfort during certain tests,
or temporary soreness as a result of physical examination.
All information gathered during the assessment will be kept confidential and
will only be shared with relevant healthcare providers involved in my care
with my consent.
I understand that alternative diagnostic methods or treatments may be
available and that I have the right to seek a second opinion if I wish.
Voluntary Participation
I acknowledge that my participation in this assessment is voluntary, and I
can withdraw my consent at any time without affecting my right to receive
Results and Follow-Up
I will be informed of the results of the assessment and any recommended
treatment plans or interventions. Follow-up appointments or referrals may be
necessary based on the findings.
Patient Acknowledgment and Consent:
I have read and understood the above information and have had the opportunity
to ask questions regarding the biomechanical assessment. I consent to
undergo the assessment as described.